Sunday 19 August 2012

Every last drop of oil

Not being ones to waste stuff, be sure that businesses will
use every last drop of oil on, or inside the planet. You do
understand that, OPEC notwithstanding, the oil business
is a mafia, run by the US. Well, try to get them to turn
green, like Greenpeace.
This is a trompe d'oil, for anybody who thinks that oligarchs will
stop before the last drop is gone.

It's up to you to find other means. Stiff them by biking.
Use an electric car.

Here's what Mark Jaccard has to say about the use of the
good-to-the-last-drop oil:
"my evaluation of the primary energy alternatives leads me
to predict that fossil fuels will not be abandoned and indeed
will sustain their dominant role through this century and
perhaps well beyond"
even though subsidies for Nukes and Oil are "$150 B per year
in the 1990s" and probably more today.
Major oil companies around the world pay negative taxes.
If they were not subsidised, even more people would be
chucking their cars. Governments and companies are
colluding to keep the price at a particularly high level
whatever the world oil price is, but they know not to
go too high, because it will cause a revolution. If people
cannot get to work, they'll freak out.
So, governments subsidise the companies who pay
negative taxes, but not consumers.

the Book
Sustainable Fossil Fuels: The Unusual suspect in the quest
for Clean and Enduring Energy.