Sunday, 15 September 2013

I'll slip out & get some fruit from Chile

This is one of my favourite themes.

Oil on your plate

What do you have on your plate that is heavily
reliant on oil? It's incredible, but now normal, how
the world can literally be found in your supermarket.

Although I've shown others arguments that deny this,
I think it's ridiculously dangerous letting oil sort out
our diets because whenever the bankers want to play
the oil market, people's diet will suffer. If you can't
raise enough food locally it's because you've chosen
to play real estate baron and built suburbs where 
there should be farms.

As happened with Rome, that ruined most of its
topsoil meaning it had to get its food from too far away, 
we are vulnerable to disaster, and we're 
wasting oil.

this fellow is a Canadian prof, interviewed by 
treehugger, and he's got the same angle: