As I've mentioned a few times, this blog has a double purpose.
I want to celebrate technological advances, of today, the past
and the future, but I also want to talk sense about
what all this progress is doing to the planet and our lives.
Too many toys means too much garbage, and too much debt.
So, my alter-ego is the one that takes care of stuff so that
it doesn't break, and fixed stuff that does.
Only if I have to look good, do I show my best, and that
was got on discount anyway.
e.g. a new phone is 300 quid, while a two-year old model is 30 pounds.
I'm paying 30.
On the podcast that you can get below, the speaker, Angela Saini
is a tech writer,
so you don't need to see me as a luddite. She writes about tech
for a living, but is frugal and conscious of waste in her personal
life. That's because her family was accustomed to poverty.
So was mine. And all the riches of the West opened up our appetites for
waste and ridiculous spending, and we all lost the skills that generations
of people practiced, like farming, mending, sewing, carpentry.
If the Occupy Wall Street or LSx has taught us anything,
technologically speaking,
it is that people can survive with little more than a tent to their name.
download some ideas:
Four thought http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/fourthought